I have to say that in May 1990, I had my last period, very light unlike the 60 pad wonders of every other time. I also began to have hairs popping up on my chin, some very blonde and hard to see but then there were those wirey, long black ones that seemed to appear over night. I was never so happy to become a member of the menopause set. I have never looked back, and never had so much as a hot flash. It was a breeze for me. Now my chin was another story, pull one hair and two pop up...Finally a women of delicate beauty that I know nsaid, "never tweeze, debilitate...So I began rubbing hair removal ceam on my chin and believe it or not after several years, NO HAIRS anymore. I do feel a soft unseen one every now and again and out comes the cream. I saw a woman in Wal Mart last week that had a beard, I kid you not. I kept wanting to go over to her and smear some cream on her chin, but then my eyes wondered and guess what, she had 20 times the amount of hair on her legs....Somewhere this must be the custom, ick, yuk, and tyhats just the stuff that shows....Oh and she was very well dressed, looked well off....Mrs Arab maybe? [Eek!] [Confused]