EW, I've been reading but haven't responded because I don't know where to start.

Please feel good about moving your mom to this facility. It's what's best for her at this stage, and it's better for her to go and make friends while she's still with it.

As far as her belongings are concerned, take only what she needs, and then give yourself time to go through everything in her home. Pace yourself. It all doesn't have to be done yesterday.

As far as being honest with elderly loved ones goes, we've been told about "therapeutic lying" by an eldercare specialist. That's when it's really in the best interest of the elderly to bend the truth a bit for their sake.

A perfect example is breaking tough news to them and telling them it's doctors orders. Or saying that the place they're staying in is taken care of by insurance even if it isn't because if they knew what they were paying, they'd worry more about how long they'll live and if they'll outlive their money, etc. The lying is to protect them from fretting.

Children are great visitors for these places. Take A whenever you can and she'll brighten up everyone's lives. Also, take dogs. The residents love seeing them. Do you play a musical instrument? That's another thing they love, listening to and singing the old songs.

How's Mom adjusting?

Be prepared for her to be a bit worse when she enters because she's giving up her freedom by being there. She'll eventually settle into thier routines, meet new friends and then realize how much richer her life is due to the relationships she's making. Everyone is pretty much in the same boat so they have a lot to connect about.

I look forward to hearing how she's doing. Also wondering ig the AD is working.

My FIL went on an AD (he has Alzheimer's) and it made him so much worse so don't expect miracles. I know it works beautifully in some, but it definitely landed him in the hospital. Look for behavior changes and hopefully they will be for the best and not the worst. Don't mean to be doom and gloom about the AD. Just wanted you to know that it didn't work for him.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.