I've been thinking about this post. My problem really isn't the
work, I have some dumb mental block about cooking for certain
people. When I make a meal for my brother and SIL I generally
do fine. I don't screw much of anything up. But when I cook for
my husband's brother and his wife, or my cousin and her husband,
I always mess up something. For example: the dumplins didn't
plump up, once; the chicken was overdone 'n too dry ; the beef wasn't completely cooked, so I pan fried it, to get rid of the redness, that made it tough as shoe leather. Now I can cook those things for WB and myself and they turn out great. The same stuff for WB's SIL or cous's hubby, and it's disastrous. I cannot cook for certain people. Those people intimidate me. Any of you have that problem or is it just me?