lola do you watch tmf aswell? or more 4 music.
thats one of mine and L fav at minet. a good song and cheer me up to see it heer smile

i not sure i told this over christmass i might or might not. My one memorie and dread about christmass was seeing my mum red faced stressed to high heven trying to help but never got anything right becouse she was so stressed. As an adult i hated christmass absolutely hated and dredided it and drove partners nuts. then someweer about 30 i relised i din't hate christmass its was the stress and bad memories assosiated with it that i hated.

MY family protestedf a bit when i re-done christmass with the keep it simple attitude but it soon died dowen. I do not get stressed now or allow others to be stressed out on the day, i have left (not populare but I have dune it)

i buy presie for those i wanna buy for, i don't kill myself buying gifts for my child as he's happie with ballons and bubbles. He dose't get value of cash yet, hes young enough not to want same as frends and iv him in tranning lol.

This year was most expensive gift wise for him. Also i had christmass with a frend so that added gifts for them all. I also knew that when i said yes to doing christmass their.

So it can be done, set your attitude your boundries and stick to them. Short term pain long term gain.

maybee start saying changies now so when it gets near time no ones gonna faint when your not doing what you do.

afterall you should be on list of whom to make smile on that day too.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn