This is such a fun post. I'm picturing all of you all decked out in black and color.

DD, just don't wear the white tube socks over the pants to the knee so the snow doesn't get down in your boots. That's a horrendous look.

For this time of year, I have jeans and I have black pants. The end!

Yesterday, Ross was sick so I had to fill in for him as a deacon at church - which means greeting everyone who steps foot in the church. My first thought was - my black cords are too casual for this service. Ack, what will I wear? If they're too casual, I certainly can't wear my jeans. Let's see. What other black pants do I have? Oh yeah - my black velvet sale pants form Ann Taylor. Easy enough. Black boots, black pants, black belt, with a black under top, and a black, white, and shades of grey turtleneck sweater (the real warm kind). Simple. Added silver jewelry and out the door in no time. Wore it all day - to take Dad to lunch, get his groceries, make corned beef and cabbage, laundry, then back to church for the casual service, to eat dinner, and then to pick up my daughter (though by that time, I wish I was in my jammies). I don't like changing outfits.

What are you wearing today? This might be fun.

Jeans, brown belt, brown Merrills, pink turtle neck sweater, with a brown suede and fur vest (I know there's a name for this vest, but dang if I know it). Then I have a matching set of jewelry that's silver and pink.

Anyone else? Or if you're feeling sloppy today, what did you wear on Valentine's Day? While greeting at church yesterday, it was fun to see all the pink and red clothes, and jewelry. One lady said she hadn't worn her red suit since last Valentine's Day. What a hoot. I don't have a red suit and never will.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.