Expat........people have a CHOICE to BE a product of their upbringing or not. NO ONE, especially a husband, should RULE. It should all be out of "love" not demand and dictatorship.

I have a friend whose mother (at age 15) gave her up when she was very small, to her birth father. Not until my friend was 16 did she go back to her mother. Her mother, now, is very cold and has lots if "issues"...very atheistic, pouts, has no motherly instinct (my friend is 62!) and even passes this onto her dogs.....she actually "does not talk to her dogs" and closes them into a bedroom to punish them. The reason I say this is that my friend's conclusion is this: Because her mother never raised kids AND was selfish to begin with, her "nurture" never got developed, per her own choice. Therefore; a cold, unfeeling human being is walking around with not "spirit of God' in her.

This made me think of your situation. He never got "into" raising kids.......so he never learned how to care, sacrifice, love etc. TOO LATE NOW!!! YOU, Expat, deserve much, much better.....you deserve to be loved and acknowledged for what you are very capable, and willing, to give back to someone who appreciates you. We shall reap what we sow.

God wants his children to BE loved, as He first loved us. He sacrificed His own Son to die on a cross. THAT is love!!

Edited by Di (02/15/09 11:44 AM)