Celtic, hon, a man who is homophobic is usually insecure about his own sexuality. Period. Whether he's been betrayed and he thinks it's because he failed as a lover or whether he has his own homosexual urges, he is insecure about himself.

I know that's plain and simple but in a life of dance, and knowing gays as I do, I've seen this before of men who are ignorant and who are insecure.

Tis true, he would be jealous if you were a man as well. BUT, it all stems from his OWN insecurity.

I have a friend who has been close to me since highschool who is gay and my husband does not blink an eye about our friendship. Then again, he is not insecure sexually at all.

I hope you keep your friend and educate ONE simple mind as you do!

Hang in there, hon.


Edited by dancer9 (02/10/09 11:22 AM)

"Question your privilege"