I heard the party was kind of a bomb. Not that many people showed up. But there was lots of drinking, the ex allowed this, I wouldn't.

Some of the girls were throwing up. The ex's girlfriend kicked them all out at midnight and they went downtown to a billiard place. Yes they are 17 years old. Kicked them out at midnight, are you kidding me. She should not have been allowed to leave the house intoxicated or otherwise. But, that is my ex. What a great Dad, that is what he calls himself.

I have not heard from her. It's her birthday on the 10th. Usually I take her out to for dinner. I am still really hurt and don't want to see her as I don't want her to feel bad about me. This is going to take some time. I understand it is not about me, but I feel what I feel and can't hide it.

Not sure what to do at this point. I will get her a gift but I don't think I can do dinner this year. I won't be able to hide my hurt and don't want her to feel guilty.

I spoke with a friend of hers and she said my daughter is really dumb for moving in with her Dad. She can't stand the girl my daughter moved in the basement with. Not many can. She is a real party animal. Drinks, smokes, does drugs.

This is a nightmare for me after what I have gone through (am still going through) with my addict son.

I went to my youngest son's rugby game today. It was such a great game. He played hard. He left the party early as they were drinking and he is an athletic kid. He is also only 15 so is still not acting out. It was nice to do something positive with him.
