You are so sweet, Humlan.

Things are okay. We have not heard the results from the latest test, yet, but I expect to soon. Here is a synopsis of our 2 day visit, though.

We started at 10am with Dennis getting his vitals taken and then a mixture of iodine and water down his throat. The iodine was to counteract any issues with the radio-active isotopes that were injected.

Then we'd have an hour off, and back to the research labs for an injection of the isotopes.

Then an hour and a half off and back to the labs for pictures.

Then an hour off and back to the lab for vitals.

Finally we'd have enough time to grab something to eat and head for bed. The second day, though, we needed to drive back home - about a two hour drive.

We were both exhausted. And with no results, unsatisfied.

I will write more as soon as I know more.
Follow our story of living, loving and laughing with a debilitating disease: