Hi CF, You asked "Ise't this a station on a very long rail journay or do you mean its as good as it gets for that person?" I would say both. I think healing is an on-going journey. AND for some people, getting out of bed is as good as it gets for that person at that time in her life. You wrote: "why ise't total recovery possible for all people?" I don't know what total recovery is. I don't know what it looks like. Does it mean that nightmares are less frequent, triggers are less often, does it mean healthy relationships, a positive work environment, healthy in mind body spirit, creative? I just don't know. We mentioned Joyce Meyer here. Now I recall who she is. Would we perceive her as totally healed, able to experience passion and bliss? How do we know what (if anything) she suffers in life. I think a healing journey is possible, that's what I preach, but the destination may be different for each individual. The journey itself can be full of healthy relationships, passion, purpose, promise, potential, healthy heart, mind, body. That's possible. Let's take cancer for example. I have multiple scars to my breasts and chests. I got treatment. But I am never cured, there is always a chance of remission or metastatis. Sure, like abuse, I don't dwell on it, but the scars are there. Yes, I understand what you say by whatever total functioning is. I don't know what total healing means to another because I don't know what fears they may be hiding, what potential is not reached. For myself? I move forward, step by step. When I look back, I can see how far I have come. Some are healing just by sharing their messages here! That's a big step.