I've read your "stories" and I am so sorry that so many of you have endured abuse of any kind. The statistics are 1 in 3 women will be molested by the time they are age 18, and 1 in 4 men. Those are numbers that are reported. Imagine the increase in numbers if all that experienced abuse had reported. That does not happen because the perpetrators scare the victims into silence. Sometimes the threats do as much harm as the acts. And incest and sexual abuse is not something that just happens, like a random accident on the street. The perpetrators use power and control and manipulation and deception to target their victims. Abuse of any kind ruins lives, for we never know how our human potential might have been met if we had been left to our own normal development. Of course, we become "attracted" to that which is familiar. Sometimes we unconsciously recreate a scenario, with the underlying intent of taking control. So many are hurting for a lifetime, or their lives are cut short. So sad