Anno, I had a feeling maybe I shouldn't have written what my husband said to me. People might think there could be a grain of truth in it. But I wrote it to show my husband's criticizing character. I know you meant well, and I would never get angry at you. I value your comments, and I can only learn from you.

I also understand if you and others think I am unable to let go. Maybe I give that impression. That is not the case, really. I am more than happy that I have my life back again and can go after my own interests. I sometimes see grandmothers with their grandchildren, and I literally physically feel a sense of relief that I don't have that responsibility anymore.

My problem is that my son and DIL, despite their own problems, have a chip on their shoulder with me. I can only explain it as jealousy. My son can be terribly impatient and insulting. And instead of dealing with my son's hostile behaviour; my husband says I need help because I am hurt by it. Whaaat?

I know my son will be nice to me again. And I know he really loves me. But I'm not giving anymore. Just last month, he asked us to give him a huge amount of money. We refused. He is walking a tight rope between his marriage and his unrestrained spending. So he needs someone to lash out at, - and has chosen me; the safe harbour, where he can always land his half-sinking ship. For a refreshing change, - this harbour is moving on to friendlier places.

I feel better today. Gosh venting is so good for the soul. I got two new real-estate contracts in to sell. One of them is a gorgeous ranch, with beautiful horses; had to think of Mustang. She would love it.

Thank you Anno, and thank you Celtic too for all your valuable advice. I love my girlfriends here.

Oh and Jabber,… just like when we were little and believed in princesses and the perfect prince, I think we have been indoctrinated through ideal images we have seen in TV shows. I always thought "Leave it to Beaver" was the ideal normal family. It's high time I shake THAT image off. I know what you mean about the subtle digs. Maybe they are even more "dangerous" than the face to face insults. I don't know.
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.