We all see ourselves in the mirror not quite how we really look. For example:
My first times in a dance studio as an advanced dancer, I went home and cried because my body did not match those dancers that were ahead of me in technique. Before that, I thought I had a great body! I soon learned that there were much better looking dance bodies than mine and that if I wanted to be a "real," dancer I had better work pretty hard on the exercises I had put off.
When we dress, we think we can look "only so good." In fact, a professional can show us how to dress to play up our good points and play down those we'd rather not advertise. They can also correct our misconceptions. Example: I used to wear big clothing thinking I was bigger than I was. I was taught that I was, in fact, wearing larger sizes than I needed and that a fitting dress does not have to be tight. I was taught to play up my features and things like jewelry do not look good on me, the detract.

If we see photos of ourselves we are often shocked at how we look. This comes from not seeing ourselves honestly. We may have fine, fine legs and feel we have ugly ones because someone lied to us in our youth.

We may be able to wear a certain style very well that we have not tried yet because we never thought we could or look good in it! A pro will have you try it anyway and you can discover what, indeed, makes YOU look the best and what colors truly reflect who you are.

We must dress for who we are, and then we must dress in a way that causes us to respect ourselves so we can stand tall anywhere we are. A stylist helps us buy clothing we may not have thought of to refect our personality and shows us how to fit those clothes so that we feel comfortable in them and have no question as to their fit. No wiggling or pulling at them, no problems with them.

There is so much a professional can do in clothing us and they are in every good department store. We can ask them what they think and try what they say and if we can't afford it we can find the same style at a lessor price! We can use their knowledge to become more ourselves.

I have dressed many people and modeled for ten years. I have been put into clothing I NEVER would have picked for myself and found myself to look excellent in it. I have been taught to fit myself to a T so that my clothing does not grab too tight but does not hang on me either. No matter what I wear, I make sure it fits and can stand on it's own in any situation...

I am not a "jeans," person, for example, I am missing a set of ribs so pants can fit badly. I am more of a dress person. I did not know why pants did not fit me until I learned my waist was too long because of missing ribs. I did not know that for my height, my inseam was long, that made my legs longer than normal for my size. Knowing this helped me pick my own clothing better.

Little things about our bodies are seen by fitters and help in so many ways to level our comfort.


"Question your privilege"