I think there are some women out there that know their husbands are cheating and have learned to accept that situation. I would guess, however, this is not the norm.

When I was very young (please forgive me, girls) I thought I was in love with a married man and he with me. We even ran away together. After a week of living together in San Diego, I looked at him and told him he bored me. I think I was in love with the idea of being in love. As I said, I was very young.

Cheating on a partner is one of my non-negotiables in a relationship. (Please understand, girlfriends, I was only 19)I would never, ever, under any circumstances cheat sexually or emotionally on any man. I have partnered with real sh**s, and I didn't cheat. I can not accept that behavior from someone else.

But that wasn't the question, was it?

No, I would not tell. I would say to the cheater, however, that they are confused about what love is all about. I would suggest they seek professional help.
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