Not a character is placed on television or in movies where their colors are not worked out in advance to "say," what they want the character to convey. Because I have been outfitted SO many times, as can be seen on my site, I learned quite a lot about dressing people and types. The "colors," that are done by some people are just a simple base to go by. In truth, black can be worn by a blonde, etc... The actors astrological charts are done and the name of their charcters "numbers," are done as well to make sure the "fit," the show and the character that is being played. Also, their personal religious feelings are asked so they may derive from that how the actor will play a role. It's all a science and it works, I see through it in everything I watch now.

It is fun, and there are suggestions I can make to help people say what they want in clothing. it's just something I picked up on the job...

Anne: You dress very safe and it's possible that your job or your lifesytle require it! You dress very American and that is also a good thing at this time in our countries history. The addition of silver though says a lot about you. Silver says that you are not "just one of many, or one of the crowd." If you have little money for clothing, I suggest that when you can afford to buy a piece, buy a "piece," something that changes your wardrobe, can be worn with everything including jeans and that "says," something about who you are. Spend the money you can, do not scrimp when you finally can buy a piece because every piece you do wear makes a difference with a small wardrobe. Allow yourself to explore a store no matter what amount you have to spend and look for a LONG time until you come to that piece that is just PERFECT for you and that you cannot live without. It's not too hard to dress on a tight budget if you take care in what you buy. Buy to build for the future, for who you want to be and where you want to be. If you have little money for clothing, try resale shops for accent pieces, jewerly, scarves, light and heavy, and such things that change your "look," without breaking the bank. IF you buy resale, the same rules apply: do not buy it unless it says, looks and yells "you!" If you need help to locate a store, ask friends you see wearing something that interests you where they got it.

( It is normally no ok to ask a person where they got their clothing for they may be embarrassed to say. However, if that person is your friend, that rule may be broken, use disgression!)

Lady Jane, I work now, in an E.R. so I know that scrubs can, indeed, be creative. Your color choices say exact things about you. You are for LIFE. You are a happy person but you are STRONG about your open heart. You wear a deep, blue pink so your heart is open but it is also stronger than many. You have been through some emotionally trying times and emerged fully recovered and wiser. You have much you may teach to others in your field! You show, again, that you care about life, with the green scrubs and your avoidance of pastels say that you are in control, which you must be in your position. You may try a purple, a deep, jewel purple and see how you feel in it! You are creative, and probably have a creative hobby or an artistic one, if you look or if you do. You are also unique at work, people know you, they have been allowed a glimpse into your inside workings and you feel that you are strong enough to show that. Do you wear patterned scrubs? If you do, that would change some of the reading of your clothes...

Celtic, you are quite creative, enlightened regarding your own emotions and have a unique, by comparison to others, belief system. You are not afraid and a brave person. You consider yourself a person before you are a woman. You take the high road as much as possible and probably have affirmations or rituals to make sure that you do. You stive in life to impove it by growing as a person and by trying to help others grow. If you wear orange and purple together you are open to all cultures and find them interesting. You need for fabrics that are natural or comfortable say that you are sensitive, very sensitive in your personal life. It also says "artist," again. To feel the fabric on your body says either that you have pain inside or outside that you are trying to fix. You also have good taste and are considered a good judge of art. You probably live in a hodge podge of art and things that have special meaning to you and will display them no matter what otehrs think. You live your life by your rules and yes, you can tell you have a young child around you.

Dancer, hope that helps. If you'd like to change something, just ask! Pardon my typo's and other problems with writing. I just get on a role as to what I've learned and start to type!

Edited by dancer9 (01/14/09 07:31 PM)

"Question your privilege"