Chatty, m'lady, you dres like you have been in entertainment. You know that black is the best way for your personality to come forth without complication, yet protect you so you are following your life's work.

Jackie, you might want to know that hot pink is Spring's color of choice. You will find it in many hues this season. This is because of the nations willingness to open up to a new president and hope for the best. It is also saying that India, which loves pink and red, is growing in the world economy, in education and in every way. Your choice of red shows confidence and a need to be heard in what you do. You are a bit fearless and that is a good thing. We only have to fear fear itself. You love a challange and will not back down for one. Watch what days you wear red and you will see that you wear it when you are feeling very sure of who you are. You are a brave woman.

Red is India's Black. It is worn as much as black in America in India. But red here is a statement colour. This should change, I feel.

Meredith, you are a colorful personality with artistic tendenceis, as we already know. You are not a mess, you are a controlled mess and that is an art. You put yourself together for your own sake and not for others. The jeans you wear are to put you into the slot you must be in to make your living but your other colors and accessories are to make you Meredith with a capitol M. You bore easily and will find stimulas if you feel the slightest bit like you are unchallanged or unentertained. You are entertaining as youself as well. You are fun to talk to and will have many friends of many ages, but only a few really close ones. Bravery is also your trait with your love of brights, and you would die in the drap colours so you mean business when you do business. You will insist on your friends being brave and taking challanges and will accompany them along the way if they do. You have faced the evil and survived so you are fearless for that reason as well. Some may find your way of dressing fickle and without an ability to commit, but they would be wrong for you can commit to controlled chaos, what you need to be happy in the world.

DJ, you have been in the higher areas of great art and show that with your fashion choices. You like luxury and will show luxury no matter how much you spend on your clothes. You care how they feel, what the fabric is and how they sit on your body. You dress as an art rather than a duty. Jewel tones show an appreciation of fine arts and they are a rather different choice than many women. You are washed out in pastels showing a powerful personality and some skin tone or tan to your skin. You mix colors well and would do with some mustard in your wardrobe to really kick your artistic way of dressing into high gear. Try using scarves in winter to add another jewel colour to an outfit. Make the scarves a bit of an investment so you only need a few and so they work to upgrade each thing you wear.
Thick fabrics will suit you in winter and you will shine in them. You might try some forest green pants with mustard sweater and a deep purple scarf of some nice material. You would look best in non patterned fabrics to allow the artist in you to come forward with no distractions.

Dancer, things to try.

Edited by dancer9 (01/13/09 06:29 PM)

"Question your privilege"