I saw that movie, Chatty, it was excellent.
I decided that to charge, as you say, my high fees, from suburban women wanting to strip for their husbands, would not be good for me personally. I also gave them references to a dancer who probably would run a class in it.

You are correct, as a Jazz Master, I know every move a stripper makes and can do them in my sleep. I admit, I can twist all over the place and put legs behind my head without holding them. My education is large. I have choreographed some sexy scenes.

I had to decide what I wanted connected to my career and I decided that this was not wanted for it.

But, these ladies have plenty of money to hire a choreographer for the strips clubs, one of which I happen to have gone to class with to teach them all the moves they need.. I hope they will learn to do what they want to do and have fun doing it.

There needs to be a movie written about it being taught to them too! It would be a laugh, no question.

I work on higher levels and when I do lower level things, I do it in schools where dance is needed because there is no program. I just feel I am better suited to help in that way instead of the one they proposed to me.

I have taught ballet to football teams, I'm no snob, but this one was just not me.

LOL, that's not to say I've not used moves myself, after all, I cant' help it, after years of training certain muscles and doing moves like those of Fosse, etc... I can't help doing them! I try to hold back these days but I sure had fun with my education in that way so I know what you mean!

Maybe they will preform afterwards and open others minds to jazz dance. THAT would be eye opening!

My friend will take the gig.

Dancer, thanks Chatty.

"Question your privilege"