All I can say is that at the time I did not know how to recognize a good thing when it, I mean he, was luring me away in a limosine. I was way too shy and insecure and stupid, stupid, stupid. His name was Michael. Along with a zillion other Michaels in America. I am intimidated by tall guys. I actually thought he was too tall for me. Now I would know to just wear high heels. (see what I mean about stupid!) He had no problems making a date, showing up on time, dressing well, spending money on a date, introducing me to his friends and family. He took me to his parent's house for a Christmas eve party. Isn't that nice? It was late because he "worked" that evening. After midnight. We kissed in the back of a limosine on the way back to my apartment around 2 am. I didn't see him after that because I was too insecure. I hooked up with some loser bohemian type that I knew would go no where, therefore I did not have to invest anything emotionally, or so I thought.