dearest Eagle Heart.
I'm afraid I got caught up in the posts that get me wired and missed this post of yours.

I don't know what you are facing but I hope that you will rely on your own feelings in what medication at what dose you take it. I hope it is still helping.

I can share with you that I suffer from chronic depression so I take lexapro and have for many years. Before that, I took Serzone and before that, Prozac. Lexapro is the pure ingredient from Prozac and I'm not aware of the med you are taking but plan on finding out. My education is in Psyche and my closest friend is a pychiatrist so I can ask him. I know that if you feel better at a certain dose of a mediction and worse at another you must be your own avocate and stay on the dose that works.

I was sorry to hear you had a bad day. Is this the medication not working or the situation getting harder? I hope things are not getting worse for you, I surely do.

I have the greatest sympathy for those who suffer from depression and those like myself who cannot fight it without medication. We must support each other and understand each other as much as possible.

Know how sorry I am that you felt worse recently and that I thrill in the knowlege when you feel lighter and happier. You've a right to feel happy and never let anyone have you feel anything else.

I support your work on moving yourself from a negative feeling and if you ever want to discuss anything, I'd be happy to do so with you.

I hope for you and I to stay above the evil head of depression and to live our lives as happily as we can in the face of whatever comes our way.

You are cared for,


"Question your privilege"