Mama Red, Hooray for your post! You said it all! It all comes from within.

I never feel invisable either. My genes are aging well but some things I never liked about myself. I just had to learn all the lessons that Mama said.

I have modeled and I have done some of that again for boomer looks but I never really saw beauty in the mirror. It took liking myself to bring that into focus.

Also, if one does not feel well, it can show. If you are happy and well, I think your smile DOES light up a room, even IF you are sixty and I know a few women who are.

Age is becoming a number thanks to the boomer people and that is one thing we can leave for the next generation. We will age nicely and if we can stay away from the knife in a big way, it would help.

As Meredith said, plastic surgery is down, down, down, with the economy down. I think that's great. It might change the way we look at ourselves and stop that lift from looking real, the way others believe it is on television. The face lift looks weird to me, but that's just me.

What's in a face? Everything. If someone changes your eyes, your face, your mouth, you get someone else back, just look at the actresses who have gone under the knife!

I have a friend who has had so many lifts that at the age of sixty something, she has what may look like from afar, a young body and face. If you get close to her she looks alien! I'm not kidding, she needs to stop with the lipo, the face and eye lifts, etc...

Only my opinion.


"Question your privilege"