Seek: I have felt alone at different times in my life for different reasons. The isolation of being a young mother and not knowing other people in the same life space and with a husband that did not talk to me or seem to notice me. I moved on and found the love of my life. After 5 years of my never doing anything right I had learned to protect my heart by not caring anymore and with wine. It has been 2 years and I am making my bed again and combing my hair! I have a wonderful life. I am doing the job I was meant to do (not making any money at it, but that is another thread) I have a beautiful home with a view of my pond. etc. etc. But, I want someone to share it with. Just to sit on the porch and discuss the days events.

I even tried all of the dating sites but I don't seem to interest anyone except men 20 years older than I. My first husband was 17 years my senior. Been there done that. The dating thing is for the worst dates thread .

I feel that if it isn't shared then it isn't real. That isn't quite right but can't think of how to put it.

I will have to finish this saga later as my daughters Birthday cake is ready to come out of the oven. Yes, she was born Christmas morning!