Quirkyalone, I was lying in bed early this morning (3am insomnia) thinking about events of the day, and I wandered back to this thread. I wondered if my comment about your beautiful spirit being "dazzling" came across too glib - it's one of those words that could be taken different ways. I meant it in the most beautiful way. Ever since you arrived here, I've noticed how carefully you listen to others here, and your responses and posts have been caring and sensitive. For me, there are some voices in the world that radiate such a beautiful light, and that's what I "see" when you speak. Since I am working my way through another wee bout of depression right now, every flicker of light that touches my heart is welcome and healing. I don't want to minimize your pain or sense of invisibility in any way (I so understand), but I also didn't want to keep my impression of you to myself...I, for one, DO see the dazzling diamond behind whatever "gunny sack" your eyes see.

Edited by Eagle Heart (12/24/08 02:48 PM)
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)