Chatty-One thing I do-and am doing right now-is that I've changed the channel to a Christian music station. It helps me to relax and makes me not so bored to where I want to eat a lot. I guess, if you think about it, the TV is constant screen changing and constant action and so it's easy for the body and mind to want to do something to try to keep up with the busyness of the action on TV so we'll eat to try to catch up. But, something like music that goes from upbeat to relaxing to upbeat and so on, can give us a chance to realize we don't have to try to keep up with it. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's what I just came to the conclusion of. Also, I pop a piece of gum in sometimes to help take the sweet tooth moment away. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, but hey it's worth a shot!! LOL