Well, he is still a burden. He's on break from basic military training. Why the burden? Because his fiance is now living with my parents, financially supporting her (food, gas, vehicle, clothes, etc.). She does not have a job nor a high school education. She is 19 and may have her GED in January. They don't have time for me. Never really have. They take her to dinner, let her drive their vehicles, etc. I told them to ensure the nephew gives them money with his 1st military pay checks. They said its none of my business. Their right its not. But, they'll run themselves into the ground and make it my business and then come to me to get them out of the hole. I can't anymore.

They wanted me to sell my house and move in with them to share the expenses. In this economy, my house won't sale. And even if so, I'd have to rent a storage facility to store everything. Also, I have a dog and 2 cats. They have a dog, too. There's no way 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 4 people could live in 1300 sf 2 bedroom town house.

What is wrong with them? Argggghhh. I'm so upset. Was to meet family and have a big step-family dinner tonight. Now I'm not going b/c my mother and step-father are being hateful and vindictive on the phone. I won't tolerate it. I hate being controlled and lied to. If it weren't for the economy, I'd move across country!

I mean, these people subjected us to abusive folks as children, so we grew up expecting abuse. They only call when they need something and constantly degrade me in front of everyone.

Sorry, just had to vent this out!