thank you for sharing.
I too have avoided adding to this topic.I saw where it was going from the first posts and purely for self preservation stayed out of things.DJ you brought this post forward
with this in mind....that we discuss ealier posts.
to elaborate.
my husband had an accident and was in hospital now I am nursing him and therefor home(bit like you Eagle)and the computer is a companion.My book my poems all solace between tasks.my friends messages balm to my soul.
Prior to the posts you discussed DJ I would have discussed my situation...The content and reaction to the posts where some saw nothing..some cared some seemed to be on a roll changed my perspection.
I found myself posting...so as to show I was staying.choosing who to post to.this is what hostility does to me.
its not fun...its not kind and if no one means what they say then why say things that are unkind..so the process changed me and my sharing.
the outcome is that I am still thinking if I have anything to offer the forum...
No one knows what another is living through...so for me this may be the wrong place at the wrong time..
I HAVE had kindness and actually its how I see others being treated that hurts...and I can and do tie my thoughts into my Christian life...

some students would say things...then when the going got hot say "ONLY KIDDING" this seems to happen here...then there is the fall out...the dust storm.
as Christmas is special for us here.it is another reason that I said nothing earlier..but instinct tells now is the time to say how things are for me...
to the lovely friends here.thank you for your friendship.
Love and blessings
Mountain ash

Edited by Mountain Ash (12/17/08 07:36 PM)