I finally went out a couple of weeks ago to buy myself new boots. I have several old pairs, but they all leak. Now that our winters are so slushy and wet, they just won't do (one pair is over 20 years old!) I hate shopping for shoes/boots, because my feet are in constant pain in anything but sandals or slippers. But I researched online, and came up with a few possibilities, then took the list to several stores. Not one of those pairs worked for me. Most were too stiff and caused excruciating pain for my ankle. Finally one of the salesclerks brought me a boot. She said, "it's not chic, and it's not even close to what you were looking for, but just try it." Well, it was fairly ugly at first glance (and slightly out of my price range), but I didn't want to hurt her feelings, especially after she told me that she had a pair and loved them. So I tried it on and immediately felt like I never wanted to take them off. They were SO comfortable. I can't recall ever having a pair of boots so comfortable. Waterproof, lightweight, and temp-rated to -40 (later while researching them, I found users who wore them in the far north!)

Anyway, I bought them, and LOVE THEM so much I don't know how I'll ever put my feet in another pair of boots. They're so warm, I can wear light socks even in -21 snowy weather here and not feel a thing. And so easy to slip on and off. The perfect boot for me! Worth every cent.

They're called Bogs...mine are the "classic mid hibiscus chocolate" (you can also buy the higher boots) and though I thought they were ugly at first glance, now I think they're the most beautiful boots in the world! (But I don't think too many others will see them that way.)

When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)