EagleHeart, I had my most bleeding right before I entered Menopause.
Orchid, When my period stopped, it never appeared again, not even a spot. That part was interesting since I have children and knew I could never have another, at least it was official if you know what I mean. I had to get over the "aging," aspect, even if I am in my forties for a bit longer.

Yes, I knew the symptoms stopped, they did stop and I have heard that they can come and go for life but not so with me. My metabolism, even my appetite changed for the better.

I'm not going to kid anyone, I had a terrible peri-menopause, with bleeding going though my clothing and onto a car seat once! I had a hard menopause too with hot flashes that were regular and very intense. I could not keep make up on and my hair would be soaked every time. I stuck my head in the freezer if I was home! My metabolism, always high, was sluggish and I gained weight. I could not bring it down for the water I was holding and my blood pressure became a problem too! It was miserable for about three years. It was a full time job!

I found all sorts of interesting ways to deal with the symptoms and tried all forms of relief from natural to hormones. The hormones made the symptoms worse by the way. I started them in peri-menopause.

Dancers have hard peri-menopause as I understand from my friends. I guess I am lucky, huh? Not!

But it CAN stop. It has for me and I never have my heart race or any of the other symptoms. I've heard of the women who said they did not notice anything and went on through it but that seems pretty rare to me if you are aware of your body.

I am hyper aware of mine because I dance.

Best to all,

"Question your privilege"