Oh Edelweiss...it is confusing, isn't it? It seems these things are rarely, if ever, cut and dried! And oh how I wish they could be. And wouldn't it be nice, at least at times, to have a crystal ball to know what is best for each person? I know that we're not "supposed" to question and sometimes I do, especially when I read about this type of situation.

My prayer for today: "May all be to the highest and best of each involved."

Know I'm sending prayers for you and your entire family, including your DIL, who definitely has a problem if she can't see the amazing blessings she has right in front of her. Please know, that doesn't mean I agree with what she has done! Far from it!
Love and light, hugs and blessings

MamaRed (Jerilynne)
Coming Summer 2009 "Kick-Butt Kindness: 52 No Cost Ways to Ripple Kindness 'Round the World"

Let's create Kick-Butt-and-Take-Names Lives!