Hi, All,
I have known for some time that my daughter and her husband were interviewing with International Schools for teaching jobs. Hubby is Ph.D. headmaster at a private school, and daughter is 5th grade teacher. They have had two video interviews with a school in Estonia, which is adjacent to Finland and also Russia. I am, at one point, excited for them, and at the other, fearful and feeling selfish, wanting to discourage them from moving so far away. Currently they are only a three hour drive from me here in WV.
I do recall, when I was young, that I longed to travel, see new places, work in new places, yet I allowed my parents' control to keep me put. I don't want to do this to my daughter.
I have done quite a bit of online research today of Estonia, and it seems not so bad. The monetary exchange rate is good for US dollars, and the general living conditions seem pleasant.
I would like your feedback for a grandma of twin 6 year olds who will be far away, not to mention my daughter with whom I have such a loving relationship.