I am dismayed to see the direction so many posts on this forum have taken. As a member for almost 3 years, I joined this forum for the networking, support, and friendship of all of you women. I have found that and am thrilled.

But lately, since the beginning of this election process and the major crunch of our economy, I see MANY posts with arguments, name calling, attacks, etc.

If you're wondering if it's YOU I'm talking about, then maybe it is. You'll know if you're involved in all the snipping and constant back and forth going on. And you know what, free speech is good and all that, but I honestly feel like this forum is NOT the place for it.

There are many places online where you can go to discuss/argue or whatever you want to do, about politics, the economy, race, etc. In my opinion, this forum is for sharing, caring, networking, and support. And while some of that is still happening, I don't see nearly as much of it - I see more and more of the angry bantering.

Is anyone else feeling this way, or am I alone in my thoughts?