On September 25 I got an email saying that jurying would be that Sunday the 28th for the available space. Since I was doing Race For The Cure on Sunday, I wrote back saying -- can't make it Sunday. So gallery wrote back saying, bring it in on Saturday.

I brought in 4 sets representing different aspects of my style and price points. Everything labeled with descriptions and price. I also included a sheet with "what I will bring to this gallery" and "what I expect the gallery to do for me" (a lot of Dancing Dolphin's points.)

Tuesday I got an email "Congratulations! You have been accepted to the gallery! Can you have your work installed by Thursday?" (Gallery participates in Laguna Beach's monthly First Thursday Art Walk.)

Spent all day Wednesday doing a floor schematic of my shelves and deciding what-goes-where. Drove down Thursday to install my work.

The price has gone up since I got the info in July. Now $80 rent + $15 cleaning/utilities fee + $5 advertising in Art Walk brochure = $100. Also, terms have changed slightly -- it's still 1 year contract, but now new people are Guest Artists for a month (aka probationary period) and then artist and gallery decide if they become a permanent artist/member. Which is a fair system for both parties.

If I'm invited to join, I will. So far (10 days) I haven't sold anything but I'm looking at this as a long-term investment.

My handcrafted jewelry:
limited edition designs
more jewelry, plus bead supplies

Poet and essayist