Nice to meet you, cyclinggal,
I read your thread and gathered my thoughts.
It seems to me that this man might be afraid of commitment, period. Many men who are of a certain age, as someone before me said, have heavy baggage. It is nice that you were not keen on "settling," or encouraging him beyond his abilities.
He's lonely, he's desparate, and he's confused.
Do you have any feelings for him that prevent you from any cycling trips with him or do you not enjoy his company because he is limited in what he can do in a relationship? I was wondering because you said you missed the interaction but did not want any more involvement.
Do you feel he is a waste of time even as a friend?
I'm just asking. You know him and if he would give you an ounce of strife, I believe you should avoid him.
If there are chances of meeting others you may like on outings with him, he might be a doorway to other things.You could be honest with him and tell him you want NO intimacy with him and are, in fact, interested in meeting other people. If that is tolerable, you could go on some outings and yes, meet others who may be real men! I don't know tho.

Again, if he is an ounce of strife for you, kick him to the curb, you don't need that in your life.

By the way, I think you handled him with excellent class and honesty. I am impressed with you.

What do you think?


"Question your privilege"