I rarely sleep through the night. I am always up to pee at least once.

I take melatonin at bedtime, along with calcium and magnesium, and black cohash.

I go to bed with a small refreezable ice pack wrapped in a towel under my neck. If I don't do this I am too hot to go to sleep--unless it is cool out. But, in Florida, this is rare!

Sometimes I take a half of a Unisom tab to sleep; sometimes I take a whole one. I have an Rx for generic Temazepam that I take sometimes.

I set an alarm during the work week, and get up and walk most days. I sleep later on the weekends. That would be about 8:00 AM--that is sleeping in! In this case, the sun wakes me, or the dog if she thinks it is too late!
Joan Ellen Gage