No, Chatty those ad's on tv don't just hit Vegas.
They have those commercials down pat too.... cause everything looks so good. Last night it was the mushroom cheeseburger at Wendy's.

Heard celery was good for the HPB, so I started cutting that up, along with apples, plus I will eat rice cakes. Have to pretend they are ice cream and cookies and pumpkin cheescake.

Cut out trips to fast "food" stops like McDonald's and Burger King, if I been real good I'll hit Wendy's for a Frosty, (not every day mind you). Eat a lot of chicken and fish. Kids aren't real thrilled, but at their ages old enough to fix their own dinner.

Not smoking any longer has added about 10 lbs, my nose works so much better, food just smells fantastic.
Evening time really is the worst for my appetite wanting to take over. I'm weak....but, fighting it.

Walk everyday outside if weather permits, something hubby and I can do together, otherwise it's the treadmill.