Lynn, I hit that point when I turned 40 and I swear I have someone else's matabolism!

I walked before 40 and didn't gain weight, continued to walk after 40 and started gaining 3 pounds a year. Well then it turns to 10-15 and before you know it, you have to do something about it. I'm there too! [Big Grin]

Now I go to Curves and walk occasionally, but I'm not losing weight, just maintaining. No fun!

One time I lost weight when my sister, and friend and I e-mailed each other with what we ate every day! HONESTY was THE only policy. That'll take the weight off because do you really want to record every little thing you put in your mouth?

I did have success with WW, but didn't stick with it long enough to make it count.

Good luck and let us know what you decide. I think anything works best when you do it with a friend so you have someone to be accountable to. [Wink]