When was the last time you slept through the night?

How often do you get to sleep in?

Do you take or do anything to help you sleep?

What wakes you?

I tend to sleep through the night only about 30% of time for the awhile. Probably related to stress if I worry about something..and if I don't do stretching exercises to relax my body, etc.

It is true that for me, on days that I have cycled for several hrs., I sleep more deeply and longer. But that's on the weekends. laugh

Other than exercise, I have never taken anything to help myself to sleep better.

I am abit sleep-deprived during the week since I get up so early to start my work commute. I justify this by the fact that my job is temporary, contract and hence, where I work won't be forever.
http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com/ (How cycling leads to other types of adventures, thoughts)