Originally Posted By: Edelweiss2
... how do we lower our expectations to avoid disappointments?

We don't, EW... because we'd be a 'lesser' us.
I don't think being 'busy' is a good excuse, either. Like you said, you are busy, but you took the time to mother their child - not a small thing! You have every right to feel slighted, because you have been. I wish you could get away to come to the states again so we could all go have a drink or two... as a night of friends, not to get soused whistle. Hang in there! and we'll hang with you. I understand what you're feeling. I watched a grandson and granddaughter on the spur of a moment week before last. When my daughter came to collect them, she busily gathered up their overnight things, rushed them out the door and I was still telling her what we had done. I found it rude, even though I know she didn't mean it to be... but I let my speech fade as she walked further down the walk to her car. I guess it hurt the worst because if felt as if she didn't have time for me - after I had given close to 48 hours up to support her needs. I felt slighted, AND, like you, had a right to feel that way. Sometimes, I feel as if I'm too convenient... but I love my grands soooo much and want them to know and love me too, I'll take what I have to.