Hi gals.

I just got the answer from my son. They don’t want me to see A for who knows when; Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas? I don’t know. He also doesn’t want me to phone and talk to her, because she cries non- stop afterwards every time.

Once again I suggested that we should do the transition slowly, It may not be too late. He didn’t want to hear any of it, and accused me of trying to take control just because I miss her. This is my DIL talking through his mouth.

Anno, my dear friend, you suggested my son and DIL get family counselling. They are too arrogant for that. Never in the world would they admit they need help, or may be doing this all wrong. You are so right about considering the alternatives. But nothing is in our hands anymore. I really don’t hope that the DIL bolts, like ladyjane said, ( Hi ladyjane,…so good to see you around again.), but chick knows too…our ‘control’ is so limited.

Your right chatty, the Kindergarden is the best thing for her, and she loves it. She cries when her mother wants to pick her up.

As for me, I am feeling stronger about this whole thing, and don’t need those anti-depressant drops anymore. Jeez, they made me so tired. So life goes on, la la la…and I want to start delving into my books. Can’t wait!

Love and hugs to all of you…..
(((((((((( my dear Boomer friends))))))))))

Edited by jawjaw (09/15/08 03:13 PM)
A friend is a gift you give yourself.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson