Dancer, when I was younger as I mentioned before, I wanted to be a dancer. Situation: It was a far fetched idea to most people in my part of the world. What I saw on TV was just a dream and I really didn't know how to go about fulfilling it. My parents weren't to blame at all. It just sounded so far fetched where I was from. Plus I was short and that kept me back more than anything I guess.
OK my point... There are many "me" kids out there who don't know where to begin or are afraid to try. An unreachable dream...unless a believer such as yourself finds a child who needs mentoring. Why not search out someone to mentor, train and encourage. Someone who has the dream but cannot afford the lessons. Someone who you can teach to be the best they can and want to be. I only wish I could have found my 'dancer' mentor when I was a young child.
I too hope you are feeling better.
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~