Have you seen it? Here are a few examples I've come accross:

A friend of mine who is Vietnamese was drivng his Mercedes SUV, which is brand new, home from shopping in Phoenix. He got stopped for speeding, he was ten miles over the speed limit. This man owns four buinesses and has a lot of money.
The officer gave him his ticket and asked what he did for a living. My friend, Justin, told him "I work!"

the afternoon I saw Justin, my husband's computer had gotten an evil virus which I mentioned to Justin. He recommended an Vietnamese (sp) friend of his to help us and come to the house to do it. His friend, Tim, was less expensive by far than other places and people so we asked him.
He was a very pleasant young man. Impressive, really. He told me that he had a girlfriend but before her, his girlfriend was "white." He said he got pulled over on on of our main drags and the officer went to his girlfriend's side and asked her "Are you alright?" His girlfriend was so angry with the officer that she took his name and badge number.
When touring Canada, trying to cross the border, I was with my son, his nanny, and two band members. The band members were "all Stars," meaning they had won Grammies. One was quite famous. One happened to be black, the other, Chinese.
At the border, we were stopped and told to pull to the side.
The border patrol officer asked me if my toddler son was mine. I had dark hair and eyes and my son was light haired and light skinned, he had his fathers Nordic coloring. I lost my temper with them and, at first, tried to stay calm but they did not believe me until my son called me "Mama," finally. We were then taken into a room where my two band members were asked for I.D. ( I was not asked for mine,) and they ran their ID's for more than three hours! We already had a work permit to enter the country and a contract with the University of Victoria to play there, it was a tour of Canada's universities.
They cleared us when I grabbed the paper that advertised our concert which we had from the country and showed them the press on the musicains! (these were guys who played on famous albums, had grammys for their playing their instruments. Their photos were in the papers, their press was strong. We got in because of that!

when with BB King, the hotel where the agent had put him treated him with disdain. I watched as he checked in and was astounded.

I had to tell them his name and where he was playing. After this, they were falling all over themselves, even asking me for tickets.

Have you ever seen racism in action?

It is one pet peeve of mine but it's huge.
I can't deal with it.

It seems it's alright to be of color if you are an entertainer or athlete, but if you are just you, forget about it!

It makes me furious, thank you for reading.


"Question your privilege"