as always your wise words.
I was a busy active vibrant person..then after fifty..several issues.
It takes took and a kind of deep healing to accept the new person I became.
No one will do this in the same way.Your career has been unique dancer lasting since you were a child.
Telling will do this again in your own way.
What I did not like was the sympathy shown after I had an incident at school when I was kicked..dont know where the thought came from but I felt so low.
Many people dont know what to have said the wrong "Hope you kicked the boy back" etc.Removing the issue into a way of speaking I hated.That was their embarassment and where they were at in their maturity.
Best that worked for me was simple acceptance that an incident had happened.Then saying as little as possible and finding a new path in life.For me a different job.
Not easy to change.I need some help now and then.But I have worked out my strategy.
Your strategy is unfolding.I did not have a "Public" like you.But I had a circle who knew me and my capabilities.I still have a circle who love me for who I am now.

Since I had this issue..I have lost friends to death..others have circumstances changed due to aging..their spouse dying and children dying.Everyone has their own cross to bear.So looking outward.and Yes look back with love at the person your talent allowed you to be.You DID IT. We all "plough our own furrow" comes to mind.A saying from Scotland.
You will manage..I know this.
Mountain ash