I've gone from shocked and upset to angry now. My son's girlfriend upped and moved out the other day and took his dog with her. I would not have been surprised to hear they broke up as I had a feeling it wasn't going all that well recently, but the way she did it threw me for a loop. I can't believe she did this. I had high hopes for this relationship. We all liked this girl very much and welcomed her into our lives. But, anyone messes with my kids has a problem with me. Not that I would call her or anything like that, but let's just say she's on my list of "I'm glad he didn't marry that one" now. I think she took the dog for spite. I'm glad they didn't have a kid. He's very upset and was told he couldn't get the dog back without taking her to court. So, she can just pack up while he's at work and take whatever she wants out of HIS house including his dog and that's okay? I think he is going to file a complaint and have her summons to court. This girl is old enough to know better than this.