Princess, this is taken right from the FAQ section on UBBCode: go to your Profile page, and go to the box where you want to change your signature. If you click on the link that says UBBCode, and then scroll down and click on the question about UBBCode, and then scroll down to the section named "Link", you'll find this piece of coding. It might not work here, unless I remove one of the brackets. But I won't be able to edit it. So I'll include both here, just in case:

This is what the code looks like:

[url= link ] title [/url] = Makes the given title into a hyperlink pointing to link.

So you would type "so no shed [bracket] (don't type the word bracket, just insert a square bracket) url=] TEARS [/url [bracket] are wasted (I had to remove those two brackets to show you what the rest of the statement should look like.

This is what it will look like when I insert those two brackets:

so no shed TEARS are wasted
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)