We did that for my dad too... but, it was during his hospital stays. He didn't want to be left alone, at any time. There were three daughters (me, one of them), who took shifts. We kept a legal pad, and noted everything that went on - meds, diet, doctors (he had several), who visited. It was part of our way of passing the baton. It is a good system. Up until last year, our dad could pretty much tend to his own business. He usually took one of us (our mom, or one of us girls if she couldn't go) along because he has a hearing problem.
We did it again when Mother went in for her three day stay in 2007. And, though not as in depth, we taped notes, etc. on the desk cabinet in M&D's house.
Thank goodness handwriting isn't a problem.
dots, it is a very good system, indeed.