After my Dad died, we had a hard time throwing away all of his ties too. I saved enough to make small cushion covers out of them (using Dad's shirts as the backings), one for everyone in the family. But we ended up taking most of his ties and suits to Cuba to give away to some of our friends there - most of whom would never be able to afford to buy suits and ties. What really delights me is that those Cuban friends remember, and often wear the ties while we're there - they know the ties belonged to my Dad and they wear them as a caring gesture to his memory.

But sometimes I still wish I had made at least one pillow cover for myself...that's another idea, Cookie. Then when you miss your Dad you can cradle and hug the pillow close to yourself.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)