Dotsie, no treatments that I know of. Just can't do anything. He hasn't lost any of his faculties. He does have seizures now.

Yeah, I'm glad I'm available too, to help out.

Did I tell you my daughter was considering sending Kasey away to Arizona to her dad's for a couple of months while her back healed??? I vetoed that idea immediately and said "HELL NO!!" Oops.. .don't know if I can say that word here. But, I was very adamant about my opinion. Don't know how much of a say I have, but I was adamant. I don't want my granddaughter 2000 miles away for 2 months!!!! Not now, not ever!!

Right now, she's waiting on word from the doctor and the MRI results. I'm going to do all I can to keep her mind set on keeping the baby here.
"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
Claude M. Bristol
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