Hey Dancer,
Thanks for replying. She isn't playing a sport, she is being trained to be an athletic trainer. Since she is a physical therapy major this will be great experience. Even though she was a student trainer in high school, this is much more. I think it is a combination of being homesick and tired as well as apprehensive about all of the new things she is required to know. The RA arrives tomorrow, so at least there will be someone else on her dorm floor. When I talked to her tonight there was a little weepiness and she said these have been the longest 3 days. My son never would have admitted to being homesick. Girls are so different. You are right, we do have a wonderful relationship and I am glad I can be here for her even though it is over the phone. She is so sweet, it breaks my heart to hear her so sad, but this will pass. I love having women who have been hear to be a sounding board. Thanks so much.
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