I'm afraid of the same happening with my Mother. They were married 61 years and she is feeling lost. And to top it off, she's about 80% deaf---she's got a hearing aid in one ear (& is having nothing but trouble with it), but the other ear is completely dead, nothing can help it. Dad use to be her ears. She use to be Dad's eyes since he went blind 7 years ago. She's feeling like half a person right now, and missing him terribly.
So, we're dealing with this right now. Had more hearing tests, but nothing they can do. I've gotten more doorbell hookups throughout her house and amplifiers for the phones.
She doesn't want to leave their home, but she's also scared living alone there and not being able to hear. Well, we're working on this problem. It's hard for Mom to be even a little bit social, even the hospice bereavement group was a bust cuz she just couldn't hear.

As for me, Completely lost it at work the other day.
A man on my route asked me how my Dad was doing. I deliver mail and there's a few retired couples I've gotten real close to over the years & they notice when I don't work, and ask.---well, I just busted out bawling. He was so nice, and we had a real good talk. Really helped. I just can't talk about Dad yet and hold it together at all. It just seems unbelievable that he's gone.

My heart goes out to all who have had to say good-bye to their parents. It's such a hard thing. But, you're absolutely right about one thing, too---
I will toast him with my first cup of morning coffee.
I think that is a nice tribute to him.
Thank you ladies for listening and for understanding.