Originally Posted By: Mama Red
And then there are the treks down Winding Google Lane...anybody done those trips? The ones where you start out to look for a specific answer or information about a specific topic and end up wondering around for a long time, then realizing you have no memory of what you were searching for in the first place?

Ah, some of the best places I've ever visited have been found while meandering along Winding Google Lane. One of my favourite things to do. We had a You-Tube thread going somewhere here not long ago. That's another amazing world, trekking through link after link. I found some long-forgotten favourite music while following links. Ordered it from the artist's website and it's bringing immense (and welcome) pleasure to my life these days.

You can find almost anything on Google (and eBay!)

I'm definitely Google-hooked. So much so that it seems so archaic now to look something up in a book as opposed to Googling. I rarely ever bite my nails, but have been tempted when we've stayed in houses that don't have a computer and we can't Google for up-to-date accurate information on a topic or issue.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)