Chick, I was struck by your post about your Mom on your shoulder helping you through the day. It reminded me of this past August, when my brother and 2 nieces were staying with us. I was cooking a big ham dinner and decided at the last minute to try and make Mom's peach sauce that she used to make to go with the ham. She never told us the recipe, so I was winging it. But it didn't turn out very good. So I heaved a big sigh and said, "Oh Mama, I wish you were here to help me figure this out." No kidding, I could hear her voice as clear as if she was standing right beside me, telling me to add this, try that and blend in this...things I hadn't thought to try. The result was a peach sauce that everyone's STILL talking about and they've already put in an order for it for one of the meals over the Christmas holidays.

I'm not sure I'll be able to repeat it, I forgot to write it down...but I surely won't forget that incredibly intimate moment when I could feel her presence and hear her voice talking me through the recipe!

[ November 29, 2005, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Eagle Heart ]